
Wildflower Scans is currently being run by three administrators: Penelope Lane, Lily Justineau, and Ruby Winters. (These are all aliases, of course.) We are dedicated to providing our followers and supporters with the best quality scans we can produce. Because life is so full of trials and tribulations, we like to choose projects based on how good they make us feel. All you’ll find here at Wildflower Scans is a selection of feel-good reads, along with beautiful art and, most of the time, sweet, sweet love.

Our Admins

lanePenelope Lane
Age: 16
Favourite Book: The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. An eerie ghost story that also writes like a love letter to reading.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff, which is the most inclusive among the four houses; valuing hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play. We must admit that Penelope was a teeny bit disappointed with her results, because she was really hoping she’d be placed in Gryffindor. However, given that she’s afraid of the dark, spiders, going to the bathroom alone, horror movies, and the list goes on… we don’t see her as particularly brave or daring.

justineauLily Justineau 
Age: 17 (I’m the oldest of the admins! Call me onee-san!!)
Favourite Book: The Girl With All the Gifts by M. R. Carey. A sci-fi apocalypse novel with a twist of suspense and thriller. Perfect for anyone who loves a good zombie apocalypse!
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff… although we all think there’s a twinge of Slytherin in the mix as well (you know, minus all that pure-blood crap) because we believe Lily is secretly—a little—evil. We also made her take the test multiple times just to be sure, because we couldn’t believe she was sorted into a house that valued kindness and patience… and of course, the results were the same each time. Pottermore never lies!

wintersRuby Winters
Age: 16
Favourite Book: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, who was 18 when she began writing it and 20 by the time it was published. A wonderful thought-provoking story about what it means to be human, with beautifully written prose. A true classic and milestone in gothic literature.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw, which values wit, creativity, and wisdom, although we believe she has a mix of all four houses in her. Quiet but clever, she would totally love answering riddles to get into her common room rather than simply giving a password—that’s for amateurs!